There are many such dangerous tribes in the world, knowing about which people’s hearts tremble. News18 Hindi has also told you about many such tribes which have strange customs. Many tribes have joined the mainstream over time, due to which they have adopted urban ways, but there are many who still live in solitude, and do not like the interference of urban humans. One such tribe is the Sentinelese, who live on India’s Andaman Island (North Sentinel Island). This is the most isolated tribe (Sentinelese tribe) which is also very dangerous, and if anyone meets them, their life is certain to be lost.
In 2018, a person made the mistake of meeting this tribe, after which he was killed. But before he died, he wrote a letter to his family, in which he told why he wanted to meet the people of this dangerous tribe. According to the report of Mirror website, the person had written this letter in the name of his family. The name of the person was John Allen Chau. He was actually an American evangelist.
The person had gone to the island so that he could convert the tribals to Christianity. (Photo: Internet Unknown)
tribals killed
John went to Sentinelese Island on 16 November 2018. The fisherman whom he had booked on rent had left him in a dangerous area and ran away. A few days later, when a fisherman passed by, he saw that the tribals were burying the dead body of a man who looked like John. It is believed that he was killed by an arrow. John had left his journal with the fishermen, which also contained a letter to his family.
For this reason the person went to the island
In this letter he told why he had gone to such a dangerous place. John said that he wanted to convert the most dangerous tribe living on Sentinelese Island into Christians. He wanted to teach them about religion and Jesus Christ. But he could not teach. According to the Mirror website, he had written in the letter that he wanted to establish the kingdom of Christ and bring them under His protection. He had said that if he dies then those tribal people should not be misunderstood.
Tags: Amazing news, trending news, Weird news
FIRST PUBLISHED: March 28, 2024, 16:01 IST